Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Quick Tips: How to Start the Year Worry Free

The holidays are behind us, and the year is off to a good start for most of us. But for some people it's not that easy. The new year is anxiety-ridden and full of unkowns. Award winning author and speaker Cindi McMenamin shares how we can start the New Year worry free.

How to Start the Year Worry Free
Worry has a way of draining our energy, stressing us out, and even prematurely aging us.  If you’d rather experience peace than stress and a calm rather than worry this year, here are three ways you can be worry free in 2017:
·        Focus on one fact about your worrisome situation that you can be thankful for. For instance, if your child is out late with friends, thank God that no matter where she is, He is there with her and He can take care of her better than you can.
·        Write down everything that you fear about your worrisome situation. Getting it down on paper might show you how unrealistic – and maybe even ridiculous – your fears really are.  Then write over those fears the words “God is in control.” It will be a reminder for you to release it into God’s hands, instead of continuing to let it cause you to wring yours. 
·        Practice the instruction of Philippians 4:6 and “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything…” (NLT). As you take your concern to God and thank Him for what He can do with it, you will experience peace, rather than stress and you will be actively choosing to trust rather than fret.

Cindi McMenamin is an award-winning writer and national speaker, helping women discover strength for the soul.

She has more than 30 years experience ministering to women and inspiring them to let God meet their emotional needs, grow stronger through their alone times, and pursue their dreams with boldness.

Besides speaking across the country, Cindi has made numerous TV and radio appearances on shows such as Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson, Moody Broadcasting’s Prime Time America and Midday Connection, At Home Live, The Harvest Show, 100 Huntley Street, Not Just Talkin’ the Talk, and His Love Extended.

Cindi and her husband, Hugh, live in the San Diego area of Southern California. They have been married nearly 30 years and have a daughter, Dana, who is a graduate of California Baptist University and is working for the Walt Disney Company. The family enjoys traveling together, staying active, and seeing what adventure God will bring them through next.You can find out more about Cindi and her books on her webpage

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